The New England Weight Management Institute (NEWMI) at CMC offers a variety of weight loss surgery options. We will work with you to determine which option will work best for you and help you achieve your weight loss goals.
Surgical weight loss options
All surgical procedures at NEWMI are performed using minimally invasive (laparoscopic) techniques. Surgical weight loss options include:
Choosing the procedure that is right for you takes careful consideration. If you are a candidate for one of these procedures, you will work closely with our multi-disciplinary team of bariatricians, surgeons, advanced practice providers, registered dieticians and an exercise physiologist.
You and the team will work collaboratively throughout the pre-surgical process, which usually takes approximately six to eight months. Unlike other programs that focus solely on surgery, the New England Weight Management Institute’s approach offers individualized guidance and support before, during, and after weight loss surgery to optimize your long-term outcome.
Take the first step and start living the life you want. Contact CMC's New England Weight Management Institute today to learn more about your weight loss options: