Asian grandmother is hugged by grandaughter

Giving Opportunities

Designated giving programs you can support include: givenow_button-(2).png

Books for Babies

Our Special Care Nursery is designed to be exceptionally sensitive to infants who need extra care. In order to soothe, bond and to help their newborn thrive, we encourage parents to read aloud. Your $25 donation to the Books for Babies Program at CMC provides each family in our Special Care Nursery with:

  • Four free story books
  • parent journal, to capture meaningful moments

Memorial Donations

Memorial Donations are a meaningful way to honor a life well lived. Many families decide to make donations to Catholic Medical Center in lieu of flowers. A gift of this kind can be arranged through the Philanthropy Office by calling 603.663.6056 or online:

Tribute donations

Whether it is a special occasion such as a birthday, anniversary, graduation, retirement or you wish to recognize a Catholic Medical Center caregiver, a commemorative gift to CMC can both honor someone special and help to keep our hospital strong and viable for those in need.


Give a gift today

every gift matters

Every patient matters. You have an opportunity to make a real difference by strengthening our ability to provide compassionate care.