Online Childbirth Classes

Looking for classes or groups to help you prepare during pregnancy?
Need some postpartum or breastfeeding support?

We’ve got you covered! The staff at The Mom's Place are here to support you.

Live Virtual Tours now available

Please join your childbirth educator, as you take a virtual tour of the maternity unit to learn what to expect during your birthing experience. Click below to sign up for your free session:
The Mom’s Place Virtual Tour & Information Sessions
You will need access to a computer/device to access the Zoom platform. 

The Childbirth Education department is currently undergoing some staffing changes and is temporarily pausing childbirth classes, please check back for updates.

Please check with your prenatal care team for class resources and support.

Mom's Place & Neonatal Intensive Care Unit & Family Suites

Take a virtual tour

We invite you to take a glimpse at your childbirth environment. 

Our Locations