Feet walking through water

Deep Vein Thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a life-threatening blood clots in the legs. Most DVT symptoms, if there are any, are in the leg and include swelling, pain, warmth and redness. PE symptoms include trouble breathing, a sharp chest pain with breathing, coughing up blood and a rapid heartbeat.


Risk factors for blood clots include:
  • Prolonged periods of sitting (in a car, on an airplane, etc.)
  • Surgery
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Hormones  (during pregnancy or estrogen contraceptives)
  • Family history of clotting disorders
  • Previous DVT
Your primary care provider or emergency physician may refer you to a CMC specialty  practice if you have DVT. Or, feel free to contact CMC's Vascular Nurse Navigator by calling 603.665.5154.
Learn more

 Symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatments and more 
(patient resources/videos from the Society for Vascular Surgery)

What is

deep vein thrombosis (DVT)?

Vascular Surgeon, Patricia Furey, MD, FACS, MBA discusses deep vein thrombosis (DVT) - how it occurs, warning signs, and how it is treated.

diagnosis, treatment and technologies


There are a number of screenings available to diagnose a blood clot If you are deemed at risk or are showing symptoms. These include diagnostic imaging like ultrasound and MRI as well as a blood test. Your doctor or an emergency physician may order one of these tests. Our expert providers can also help determine which screening and treatment is right for you.

lifestyle adjustments and medications

Lifestyle adjustments like exercise, weight loss, and addressing other medical issues can help reduce the risk of or manage DVT. DVT is most often treated with blood thinners to keep the blood clot from growing larger and prevent new ones from forming.


Vascular team

Our vascular physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners and support staff bring extensive expertise and skill to each procedure, and take a personal interest in your well-being.

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