female and male seniors sitting in wooden chairs with their hands lifted to their shoulders while holding colored hand weights

Parish Nurse Program

Caring for Local Parishioners

CMC's Parish Nurse Program is a collaboration between local faith congregations and Catholic Medical Center. The Parish Nurse Program helps local faith communities to provide spiritual, psychological, and social care to their members and neighborhoods. Members of our community have access to a registered nurse for health and wellness consultations at several local churches through CMC’s Parish Nurse Program. 

The Program offers services many local faith communities in the Greater Manchester area, to people of all ages, ethnic backgrounds, and religious affiliations. Parish nurses promote wellness by addressing the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of members. Our registrered nurses (RNs) offer health and wellness consultations, and many churches partner with us to host wellness programs.

CMC Parish nurse main office—Tue, Wed, Thu 9 AM-3 PM



caring for you in your community

Parish Nurse Offerings

Ongoing free programs are offered, such as:

  • Alzheimer's support group
  • Chair exercise
  • Chair massage
  • Diaper drive
  • Flu clinics in partnership with Walgreens
  • Historic church tours
  • Indoor walking
  • Knitting group
  • Prayer shawl ministry
  • Walking groups


Healthcare & Support Services

The Parish Nurse Program provides a number of key healthcare and support roles for parish members and advocates for the needs of the un- and underserved members of the community. Services provided include health counseling, education on health and wellness issues, advocacy on behalf of the client, liaison to community resources for clients, teacher and trainer of clients and volunteers, and healer of the mind, body and spirit.

Health Education Programs & Screenings

The program offers a range of health education programs and screenings, including:

  • Blood pressure screenings
  • Hearing and weight screenings
  • Medication assistance
  • One-on-one nutrition consultations
  • Wellness education programs
  • Patient advocacy and more
Parish nurses may refer members to appropriate resources for additional care, which can result in earlier intervention and improved access to health care. 

Our Locations